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Why Ben Carson is Flying High – Star Parker

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Americans are now in a historically long period of distrust and dissatisfaction regarding their government and their country.

This goes a long way in explaining why political outsiders are dominating the polls in the Republican presidential race. Even quality conservative candidates such as Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz lag far behind Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

They are tainted by the mere fact that they are politicians.

The Pew Research Center reported data last year covering a period of 56 years, showing the percentage of Americans saying they trust the federal government to do what is right “always/most of the time.”

From October 2006 to February 2014, the percentage of Americans expressing a high level of trust in Washington went from 30 percent to 24 percent. This was the longest stretch over the 56 years reported that trust never rose above 30 percent.

By contrast, in December 1958, 73 percent said they trust the federal government to do what is right “always/most of the time.”

Last August, according to Gallup, 26 percent of Americans expressed satisfaction with the direction of the country.

Satisfaction remains consistently well below 36 percent, which has been the historical average for this poll dating back to 1979. It dropped to a record low of 7 percent in 2008.


Source: Star Parker, http://www.urbancure.org