Sweet Cakes

Valentine’s Day brings thoughts of love and marriage and sweet things to eat. This Valentines Day a business that is all about those things got some very bad news. Aaron and Melissa Klein own Sweet Cakes Bakery — well, at least they had a bakery. It was located on the edge of downtown Gresham, Oregon. They specialize in wedding cakes…

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Marriage vs Poverty

There’s a lot of talk among the Left these days about inequality. President Obama says income inequality is “the defining issue of our time.” His State of the Union address advocated government programs to address it. And inequality comes up as experts attempt to analyze 50 years of a ‘War on Poverty.’ Income inequality is actually a necessary part of…

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School Dinner Program

The Associated Press reported recently on what it calls a “growing trend”:  Kids eating dinner at school. According to the AP, the Los Angeles Unified School District, “is doubling the number of students served dinner, with an eye toward eventually offering it at every school.” School board member, Bennett Kayser, told the AP, “When kids are hungry, they don’t pay…

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Abortion Bill Debacle

To coincide with the 42nd anniversary of Roe Vs. Wade, pro-lifers were promised, by House leaders they just helped elect and re-elect, that there would be a vote on a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks — that’s five months —  gestation. It’s called the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act because there is now lots of research…

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Deciding Marriage

The highest court in the land will either restore the freedom of the people to uphold marriage, as the union between one man and one woman, in their state laws — or not. Judges in courts across the nation have denied citizens their voice in this matter, striking down laws protecting marriage in 20 states. Appeals courts have upheld these…

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Abortion Update

After 42 years of legal abortion, how does one even comprehend 57 million unborn children aborted? Oregon Right to Life came up with a YouTube video that helps us get our heads around: “How many is 57 million?” The 4 ½ minute long video begins by declaring: “The United States Legalized Abortion in 1973.” Then, as the screen shows the…

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Prayer for 2015

God uses His Church to build His Kingdom and restore what sin has broken. The rebuilding and restoration starts with prayer. So, as we begin 2015, won’t you join me in this prayer for America. Oh Lord, thank you for this nation and its people. Thank you that, by your grace, after the Fall and with the coming of Christ,…

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Civics Class

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that “After years on the back burner of the nation’s educational agenda, civics is making a comeback, with a number of states mandating new classes or assessments and a burgeoning national push for high-school seniors to pass the exam required of new citizens.” Websters Dictionary defines civics as “the study of the rights…

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Green Marriage

We’re hearing a lot from politicians about environmental policy.  I haven’t heard any of them mention that one solution might be: promoting marriage. Currently the environmental movement is all about climate, as if we can really affect that. If you don’t think global warming is taking place or is a problem, it doesn’t mean you favor rampant abuse of the…

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Purple Penguins

The crowd that’s fighting for, and mostly winning, recognition of sexual orientation as a protected minority has added another demand. There’s a big push to include transgendered behavior in the list of proclivities to be lionized and protected. Even in Middle America: A Nebraska school district recently instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as…

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Lima Climate Conference

Global planners are just finishing up an international conference in Lima, Peru with the stated aim of curtailing climate change. More than 190 nations are represented at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties, COP20. It’s arrogant for mere humans to think they can stop climate change. But climate change has been deemed the bad…

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