Recent Viewpoints

October 20, 2014

As we are getting closer to the open enrollment period for Obamacare, it might be good to go back and evaluate the claims made during the debate on the Affordable Care Act. We were told that the costs would go down, competition would increase, millions would enroll, and policies wouldn’t be cancelled. Robert Moffit, writing in The Daily Signal, says that health care costs have increased significantly. “Huge increases in deductibles in policies sold through the exchanges were a big…

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October 17, 2014

The influence William Shakespeare has had on the English language is well known. In a previous commentary, I talked about the number of words he created or coined. He also is responsible for so many everyday phrases we use. Christina Sterbenz provides the context for these phrases we often use and forget were from Shakespeare. When we use the phrase “catch a cold,” we mean that we are getting sick. In one of Shakespeare’s lesser-known plays someone says that should…

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October 16, 2014

Yesterday I talked about why millennials might not buy insurance. The cost under the Affordable Care Act is much more than what they would have paid in the free market. But there is another reason why they (and many others) might not buy insurance. They won’t need it because of provisions requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions. While that is an admirable requirement, it leads to a fear many proponents and opponents of Obamacare have about how Americans will…

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October 15, 2014

Lexi Cory titled her article: “Wake Up Millennials, We’re the Ones Paying the Bill.” The bill she was talking about is the Affordable Care Act. She wonders if her fellow millennials really understand the consequences of Obamacare. Many articles and commentaries have documented the costs and subsidies in the Affordable Care Act. There were promises of lowering the premiums by up to $2,500. That hasn’t happened. There were those who argued that it would harm the economy and increase the…

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October 14, 2014

Most of the concern expressed about Obamacare focuses on the immediate impact while ignoring the long-term effects of the law. Dr. Merrill Matthews explains in a recent column that the bigger problem will arise in a few years. Insurance actuaries call this problem a health care “death spiral.” In the near term, many will experience “sticker shock” when they discover how much their insurance premiums will cost them. Those most affected will likely be young and healthy people who live…

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October 13, 2014

In his book, Godonomics, Chad Hovind finds engaging ways to illustrate economic facts. In his book and on my radio program he answered question like: What would God say to Adam Smith? What would God say to John Maynard Keynes? In a chapter on the money supply he compared inflation to the experience parents and kids have at Chuck E. Cheese. You and your kids arrive at the arcade restaurant and purchase twenty dollar’s worth of tokens. The kids spend…

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October 10, 2014

Perhaps you have read the short story “I, Pencil” by economist Leonard Read. He takes you through all the steps necessary to make a pencil and concludes that “nobody knows how to make a pencil.” To make something as simple as a pencil requires knowledge and technological expertise in fields ranging from forestry to mining to engineering to chemistry. And yet pencils are made day after day, even though no one knows the whole process from start to finish. The…

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October 9, 2014

For a moment, I want to talk about a subject many of us would rather avoid. But we cannot avoid it if we are concerned about our children and the children in our schools and churches. Recently I had Boz Tchividijian on my program to talk about how to protect our children from sex offenders. He is the Executive Director of G.R.A.C.E (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) and has also served as an Assistant State Attorney dealing…

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August 3, 2014

Some members of Congress want to rewrite the First Amendment. Although it is unlikely that they will succeed, it is worth looking at what they propose in order to understand the mindset of some of our elected representatives. Senators Chuck Schumer and Tom Udall along with some other members of Congress . . .  

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