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Second Civil War

Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

Dennis Prager has been making the case that the chasm between the left and the rest of the country is so unbridgeable that it should be described as a Second Civil War. He usually adds that, “unlike the First Civil War, this war is not violent.” Now he is even removing that disclaimer. He now believes violence is coming.

In once sense you could say that violence is already here. He reminds us that, “Left-wing thugs engage in violence and threats of violence with utter impunity. They shut down speakers at colleges; block highways, bridges and airport terminals; take over college buildings and offices; occupy state capitals; and terrorize individuals at their homes.”

He also explains that, “It’s beginning to dawn on many Americans that mayors, police chiefs and college presidents have no interest in stopping this violence. Left-wing officials sympathize with the lawbreakers, and the police, who rarely sympathize with thugs of any ideology, are ordered to do nothing by emasculated police chiefs.”

Now, you might think that a few of these leaders would change their minds and realize that they must do SOMETHING to protect citizens in society and students on campus. That is unlikely because, “they have made peace with left-wing violence. What they fear is the left-wing media.” Just imagine the media backlash that would rain down on their heads if in protecting citizens and students, anyone in a liberal activist group was injured. They would be pilloried in the press.

This leads to an important question. If these mayors, police chiefs, and college presidents will do little to stop the violence, who will? Left-wing mobs will only be allowed to own the streets for so long before other Americans decide to take matters into their own hands. We can hope that does not happen and plead for restraint. But I think Dennis Prager is right. The Second Civil War could become violent.


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