Take Action

October 15, 2024
Person Voting

The Senate could pass a bill that would stop non-citizens from voting in local D.C. elections. This bill has already cleared the House. We’ve made it easy for you to contact your Senators today regarding this issue. Any person who lives in D.C. for 30 days is currently eligible to vote in local elections, thanks to the Local Resident Voting Rights…

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July 23, 2024

If you want to keep the federal government out of your bank account, please act now. The Senate is set to consider a bill that would block the Federal Reserve from creating a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act already passed the House. This bill, if passed and signed by the president, would prevent the federal…

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July 1, 2024
Take It Down Act

Pornographic images generated by artificial intelligence are becoming more and more common online. These fake images often target non-consenting individuals, including minors. Currently there is little recourse for victims of this kind of crime, and the fake pictures of them can remain on social media indefinitely. Tragically, the trauma of being victimized in this way has even driven some young…

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May 15, 2024
World Health Organization

The Biden Administration wants the U.S. to join the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Pandemic Treaty. This is a bad idea.

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May 1, 2024
Pray for America

Dear God, Thank you for the legacy of prayer woven throughout America’s history, including the annual National Day of Prayer. Please prompt the hearts of your followers in this nation to turn to you in prayer today, and always.  The Bible says that You are our lamp, our light in the darkness, and that Your Word proves true (2 Samuel…

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April 4, 2024
Pride flag flying at U.S. embassy

Men and women have sacrificed their lives for what the American Flag stands for—one nation where every person can live out their God-given rights. Americans may be divided by many different opinions and beliefs, but the Stars and Stripes is a symbol that unites us around our nation’s core values.

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February 20, 2024
Director of National Intel Logo

Congress is attempting to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), and leading conservatives want protections against future abuse. In fact, Jim DeMint, Ken Blackwell, Tony Perkins, Brent Bozell, Kelly Shackelford, and many others have sent a letter to the Speaker of the House outlining their concerns that FISA has been politically weaponized.

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February 14, 2024

Sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), the “Stop Support for UNRWA Act of 2024” would halt US funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Multiple members of the UNRWA participated in Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel last October, which is why it is imperative that our nation stop funding this organization.

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August 15, 2023
Car Radio

Car manufacturers are planning to remove AM Radio access from new vehicle models, but there’s a bill before the Senate that can stop them. The AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2023 is a bill with bipartisan support that would ensure that every new motor vehicle will be able to access AM broadcast stations.

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May 2, 2023
Protect Women and Girls in Sports

Recently the House passed The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. This bill would ensure that any school or college sports funded by Title IX would not allow biological males to compete against female athletes. Following the House’s passage of the bill, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) asked the Senate for unanimous consent to do the same. Democrats refused….

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