“What is grey and furry and has a long bushy tail and beady little eyes?” A long pause in the Sunday school class was finally broken as one child volunteered, “I know the answer is supposed to be Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me.”
That child’s answer illustrates an important truth. Jesus is central to all of God’s purposes in our world today. He is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises concerning the coming of Messiah. In Him all the typology of the Feasts of the Lord come together. Without the coming of Christ, God’s salvation story would have no beginning, middle or end. As Paul tells us: “For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell” (Col. 1:19). All these things are true. And yet.
The all-important reality of Jesus does not make Him “everything.” That is to say, a squirrel is a squirrel. The point? Israel is Israel, and the promises made to Israel pertain to Israel.
Source: David Brickner, jewsforjesus.org