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Trump’s State of the Union Address

By: Fred Lucas – – January 29, 2018

President Donald Trump hopes to strike a “bipartisan” and “forward-looking” tone when pushing a theme of “Building a Safe, Strong and Proud America,” for his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, a senior administration official said.

The speech will focus on five key issues: seeking to reach an immigration deal in Congress; the strong economy from his first year in office; pushing a $1 trillion infrastructure plan; “fair and reciprocal trade” with other nations; and rebuilding the military, the senior administration official told reporters Friday in a background briefing.

Trump will talk about the economic recovery of 2017, regarding records set in the stock market, increasing wages, millions of new jobs, deregulation, and the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The White House released an immigration deal that would provide amnesty for 1.8 million young illegal immigrants brought to the country as minors. In exchange for amnesty, the administration would get $25 billion as a down payment for a physical wall and other security along the southern border, and phase out of chain migration and end to the visa lottery program.
The White House proposal would give legal status to more than twice as many illegal immigrants that President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) shielded from deportation.

However, the senior administration official wouldn’t respond directly as to a question about whether amnesty simply encourages more illegal immigration.

“I really won’t get into that. The framework was released [Thursday],” the official told The Daily Signal. “The president cares about American workers, American families, protecting their wages, protecting their opportunities to rise. That will be reflected in the speech.”

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Source: The 5 Key Points Trump Will Talk About in First State of the Union | The Stream