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Share Your Story

Over the years, we’ve heard some amazing stories from our listeners. Stories like this one from Jeanne who listens in Oregon:

“I so appreciate the ministry of Point of View and their continual challenge to me to engage with the culture and exactly how to do that the most effective way. It is one thing to engage the culture, but to do it effectively is not the “human” way, but to use the power of the Holy Spirit; to know the facts of the matter, and to be able to communicate those facts in a way that causes those enwrapped in the cultural way of thinking to pause and really consider their viewpoint, is entirely different.”

Stories like these are very encouraging to us. And when we share them, they also encourage other listeners to get involved and take action.

This is My StoryToday, we want to hear your story! Please tell us how Point of View has impacted your life and what it has encouraged you to do. If we use your story to encourage others, we want to send you a BibleStick to express our thanks! This pocket-sized audio New Testament is sure to strengthen your faith.

Be sure to include your contact information so we can send you a BibleStick. You will also be included in a drawing for an iPad!