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left_flag Monday, July 20
Monday, July 20, 2020
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First up today, Kerby will have an update from the weekend. Then he welcomes Jeanne Allen. They’ll discuss the Espinoza Case & Parents Rights. The second guest is Michael O’Neill who joins Kerby to talk about Vote By Mail & Voter Fraud. Paul Barreca joins Kerby as our final guest. They’ll discuss Fellowship International Mission.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jeanne Allen
Jeanne Allen
Founder | Chief Executive - Center for Education Reform
Jeanne Allen is the founder and chief executive of the Center for Education Reform (CER), the nation’s premier leader in advancing innovation and opportunity in education.

A pioneer of America’s education-reform movement, Allen founded CER in 1993 and authored the pathbreaking School Reform Handbook: How to Improve Your Schools (1995).

A nationally recognized advocate and respected expert for more than a quarter century, Allen directs CER’s work at the local, state, and national level to advance innovation and opportunity from K through career. She is a trusted advisor to individuals across the spectrum of education policy — from White House and Cabinet, to elected representatives in Congress, governors, and state legislators, to local school officials and parent groups, to policymakers, philanthropists, and fellow champions of education improvement.

Allen maintains a near-constant media presence through interviews, op-eds, and articles with a diverse range of print and electronic-media outlets. She writes a column for Forbes and hosts the podcast, “Reality Check With Jeanne Allen.”

Allen began her career on Capitol Hill and then served as a senior official in the Department of Education. She holds a Masters degree from the University of Pennsylvania’s Ed Entrepreneurship program.
Michael O'Neill Show Page
Michael O'Neill, Esq.
Assistant General Counsel - Barbara K. Olson Legal Counsel
Michael J. O'Neill serves as Assistant General Counsel and the Barbara K. Olson Legal Counsel. He is a graduate of Villanova University and the Catholic University's Columbus School of Law. He specializes in constitutional and regulatory legal matters, and has exposed tax abuse and improper political spending by non-profit groups. He has authored numerous amicus briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a member of the Federalist Society and the American Bar Association. Mike is licensed to practice law in Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Paul Barreca
Director - Fellowship International Mission
Paul Barreca is the Director of Fellowship International Mission in Allentown, PA. FIM helps missionaries to fulfill God’s call to proclaim the gospel around the world. Paul’s passion for missions and discipleship grew out of thirty-three years of pastoral ministry in which he served churches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan. His strong focus on personal discipleship developed into a curriculum for one-on-one and small groups based on the discipleship methods of Jesus. He describes these methods in his book, “Follow the Master: How Jesus Made Disciples.” The curriculum he developed is widely used today. It contains 34 doctrinally based lessons with life application titled, “Follow the Master, A Discipleship Course for Growing Christians.” Paul also utilizes wilderness trips and Israel tours as intensives to help believers become spiritual maturity and love God’s Word. He led over 30 wilderness trips in Canada and along the Appalachian Trail. In 2011 Paul led the first of numerous Bible study tours of Israel, two of those in partnership with Kerby Anderson and the Point of View Radio Program.
Paul studied at Word of Life Bible Institute, Lancaster Bible College, Michigan Theological Seminary and Clarks Summit University where he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree. He has taught in Bible colleges both in the United States and the Philippines.
Paul and his wife Kim have three children and seven grandchildren and have been married since 1982. Contact Paul to learn more about discipleship or to have him speak to your church our group.
SCOTUS Building
Parents’ Rights
The decision of the Supreme Court in favor of the plaintiff in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue validates a parent’s constitutionally protected right to direct the education of their children. Source: BREAKING: The Supreme Court Just ...
SCOTUS Brief AZ Mail-in voting
Vote-by-Mail Amicus Brief
The Ninth Circuit’s decision improperly interferes with the State of Arizona’s Article I, Section 4 power to regulate the time, place, and manner of elections. U.S. Const. Art. I, § 4. Left to stand, the ...
Paul Barreca FIM
Social Action and the Gospel
While numerous injustices existed in the first century, Paul did not address them or begin efforts to eradicate them.32 As Gary Gilley writes, “there are no examples of early Christians attempting to transform or create ...
Statue of Andrew Jackson
More Than Toppling Statues
This must be our wake-up call, because as Ronald Reagan also admonished, freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on to our children to do the same, or one day, we’ll be telling our ...
first day of school at Stuyvesant High School in New York
School Reopenings
For months, through travel bans, economic shutdowns, reopenings, reclosings, mask mandates and more, Democrats have hysterically urged the Trump administration to "listen to the science." There has been no need for the screaming. After all, ...
Fulani militants in Nigeria
Persecution in Nigeria – by Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
A new report by the International Society for Civil Liberties & Rule of Law claims that attacks by Fulani militants have killed 620 Christians in the first five months of 2020. A recent attack on ...



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