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Taking a Stand

Secularism is advancing in the west often because people are easily intimidated and unwilling to take a stand for religious liberty. One person who took a stand is Superintendent Michael Gilbert.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation learned that Principal Dan Noll of White Oak High School would offer his “Thoughts of the Day” with the morning announcements. Since some included a quote from the Bible, they sent a letter to the superintendent thinking that would scare the school district into compliance. Instead, he assured the secular group that the principal would continue to offer his “Thoughts for the Day” but it would not include chapter and verse from Scripture. Here is his letter to them:

“Let me be clear, this is an attempt to draw us into a contest of words for the sole purpose of giving the FFRF a large amount of free press/recognition that they and their very few members (1,200 in Texas) do not deserve. This group and others like it, are wanting us to provide them with negative quotes to use in the promotion of their agenda. We can and will make the adjustments needed to ensure our students experience a morally sound, positive character based education. There are a multitude of options to provide our students, faculty and staff the opportunity to express their First Amendment Rights as provided for in the United States Constitution. Let me also be clear that we have not (in my opinion) violated anyone’s rights and/or subjected anyone to undue stress. Bible studies and scriptures are allowed in schools.”

This letter is refreshing at a time when so many people (parents, teachers, principals, administrators) often go out of their way to be politically correct and avoid any confrontation. Too many have been intimidated and allow a small but vocal group to remove any mention of religion in the public sphere.

I am encouraged that Superintendent Michael Gilbert took a stand. I hope other teachers, principals, and superintendents will do the same.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson

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