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Wednesday, October 7, 2020
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Penna Dexter is guest hosting today! First, Matt Shaheen, Texas State Representative for District 66 joins Penna to talk about racial healing and school safety. Her second guest is Dr. Hormoz Shariat who will join her in studio to talk about Iran Alive Ministries, his new book, “Iran’s Great Awakening,” and the situation for Christians there. Then Penna will welcome Lori Roman, Founder and President of The Ann Children’s Fund. They will talk about protecting Senior votes.

It’s an extra special show. Please don’t miss it.

Join us by calling, 800-351-1212.

Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter
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Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Rep. Matt Shaheen, Show Page
Matt Shaheen
State Representative, District 66 - Texas House of Representatives
State Representative Matt Shaheen serves the citizens of District 66, which encompasses West Plano and far North Dallas. Previously, Mr. Shaheen served five years on the Collin County Commissioners Court. Representative Shaheen serves on the Government Transparency & Operation, and the International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs Committees.Representative Shaheen is consistently ranked among the top most conservative, pro-business legislators in Texas. Matt has been married for 24 years and has three children. He attends Prestonwood Baptist Church and serves as a Deacon, an usher and on the church's pregnancy center board.
Hormoz Shariat Show Page
Hormoz Shariat, PhD
Founder - Iran Alive Ministries
Dr. Hormoz Shariat was born into a Muslim family in Iran and came to the US after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. He came to Christ while earning his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence at USC in 1980. In 1987, he planted a church in San Jose, CA. With hundreds of Muslim converts, it still remains one of the largest churches of its kind in the US.

Dr. Shariat founded Iran Alive Ministries in 2001, which utilizes Satellite TV to reach the millions of lost and broken people in Iran and the rest of the Middle East. Today, it broadcasts the Gospel 24/7 from Dallas to Iran & the Middle East, trusting the Lord to transform a nation, which is responding to the Gospel unlike any other time in history.

Dr. Shariat is also passionate about serving Americans by providing inside information about Iran and how it impacts the US.
Iran's Great Awakening: How God is Using a Muslim Convert to Spark Revival
ONE MILLION MUSLIMS TO CHRIST. In the mid 1980’s, Dr. Shariat together with his wife, prayed, “Lord, use us to save Iran!” His passion for Muslims stems, in part, because of the murder of his brother, Hamraz, who was arrested in Iran at the age of sixteen on a minor political charge. After two years in jail, he was executed by firing squad. God showed Hormoz the best way to respond to this tragedy was to dedicate his life to bring one million Muslims to salvation in Christ. Join Dr. Shariat on a journey out of bondage to Islam to freedom in Christ. Learn what the Bible says about Iran and why Iran is just the beginning of something big, eternal, and of historical proportion that is already happening! God said, “I am going to do a great work in Iran and change that nation forever, and I am giving you the honor to be a part of it.”
Lori Roman Show Page
Lori Roman
President - American Civil Rights Union
Lori Roman is the President of the American Civil Rights Union. Her diverse career exemplifies her expertise in management, public policy, strategic planning, and public relations. She is the former President of the Salt Institute, an industry trade association. She is also the former Executive Director of the American Legislative Exchange Council, a public policy organization of state legislators, members of U.S. Congress, and British and European Parliaments. Formerly, she served as the Deputy Director/Chief of Staff of the White House Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives at the U.S. Department of Education, where she was responsible for strategic planning and management of resources to achieve the goals outlined in the President’s Management Agenda. She also served as the Director of School Choice and Senior Advisor on Family Educational Rights at the U.S. Department of Education. She began her career in management at General Motors and she has also assisted many businesses and non-profits as a consultant over many years.
An accomplished speaker and writer, Ms. Roman has been featured in many major radio and television outlets, as well as magazines and newspapers. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Science in Administration.
American Constitutional Rights Union logo
The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU)
ACRU is dedicated to protecting seniors from vote fraud. Through our Protect Elderly Votes project, we created “Stranger Danger” to warn seniors and those caring for them to take steps to protect their ballots. If you suspect vote fraud, call ACRU’s Vote Fraud Hotline at 877-730-ACRU (2278). NEVER LET A STRANGER TOUCH YOUR BALLOT!
Elderly Black Man Voting
Senior Citizen Voter Bill of Rights
We Must Protect the Voting Rights of Our Elderly!
VP Debate Univ Utah
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The momentous events of the past week greatly increase the odds that the sole debate between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence will have an outsize impact on the election just one month away. The presidential ...
Arabic Woman with justice scales
Pandemic Cannot Slow Vicious Brutality of Iran’s Regime
IRAN, ONE of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus, has imposed another lockdown on its sprawling capital, Tehran, shutting schools, cafes, movie theaters, hair salons and even mosques. The measure was needed: On Monday, 3,900 ...
election ballot
Election Fraud In America
Does election fraud happen on a coordinated, wide-scale basis or “at the local level from time to time” or not at all? Source: Election Fraud In America
Elderly Black Man Voting
“Protect Elderly Votes” Project: Stop Vote Harvesting Fraud
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the push for widespread mail-in voting and other alternatives to going to the polls ahead of the presidential election has increased the risk of vote fraud through “ballot harvesting,” and the ...



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