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We have a problem in the medical field. More than 100,000 people who need an organ transplant cannot get one. Some deal with declining health. Many of them die waiting for a transplant.

A company in California has a solution. Take the organs from aborted babies and grow them in animals until they can be transplanted into humans. If the thought of this is repugnant, you are not alone. Leslie Hanks of the Colorado Right to Life says: “This kind of Frankenscience could lead to more abortions because of the obvious profit motive.”

Those of us who are older might remember the movie “Coma” where people were put in a coma so their various organs could be harvested. Those of you who are younger might remember the movie “The Island” where people who had been cloned were kept alive in a fictional island. Their real purpose was to provide organ “spare parts” for the person who was cloned. Those movies might be science fiction. What is being proposed and developed is science fact.

Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League points out that the company doing the current experimentation refers to these as “discarded human organs.” He concludes that their comments “give the lie to the abortion industry’s claim that unborn children are not living human beings. Their humanity is precisely what makes these transplants possible.”

You can read more about this “Frankenscience” in an article with that title written by Bob Unruh in He was on my radio program recently to talk about the reaction to what the Genetic Literacy Project called xenotransplantation. It is worth noting that even bioethicists who could not be considered pro-life have raised moral objections to what is being proposed.

The shortage of human organs for donation is a real problem that should be solved by encouraging others to be willing to donate their organs and by pursuing adult stem cell research. We shouldn’t be aborting babies and we shouldn’t be harvesting organs from aborted babies and placing them in animals.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson

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