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2021 GivingTuesday $2,000 Match

GivingTuesday is a global day of generosity happening on November 30, 2021.

In this season of giving thanks, GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people to show their gratitude for all their blessings by helping to meet the needs of those around us.

Here in America, there is an opportunity for you and me to work together to fill a tremendous need.

Right now, Americans’ trust in the media is currently its second lowest on record.

Even worse, only 4 percent of U.S. adults have a biblical worldview.

Americans need trustworthy news from a biblical perspective…as well as guidance on practical ways to defend important values.

Will you partner with Point of View to help fill this need? When you give to Point of View, three things happen:

  1. More people receive access to trustworthy information they’re not getting from any other news source—and from a godly perspective that helps them build a biblical worldview.
  2. They receive free tools that help them live out that worldview to protect their faith, family, and freedom.
  3. Equipped to take action, they begin changing the lives around them.

So please, this GivingTuesday, partner with Point of View—you’ll have an amazing impact meeting a vital need in our nation! And by giving today, you can have your gift matched, up to $2,000, through our special GivingTuesday matching challenge!