A Fragile Thread of Hope: One Survivor's Quest to Rescue
Andi Buerger survived 17 years of sex trafficking by immediate and extended family members before that term even existed. In A Fragile Thread of Hope, Andi and writer Kay Farish recount her remarkable journey to healing and personal triumph, her fierce determination to rescue others like herself, and the desire to give all victims of sexual predators a genuine voice. The telling moves readers in a very powerful way. A Fragile Thread of Hope explores the epidemic of teen homelessness and sex trafficking pervasive throughout America, even in its smaller towns. The book combines Andi’s own story with first-person accounts of four survivors rescued by Beulah’s Place, a nonprofit created by Andi and Ed Buerger in Central Oregon. “These amazing true stories from courageous young voices who have beaten the odds and gone on to incredible successes teach us that what we think we see is not always the reality,” Buerger said. “The vast majority of homeless youth are not runaways by choice." When it comes to child abuse in particular, Buerger asserts, “Someone knows. Someone always knows. It’s whether they have the compassion and courage to step up for what is right, what is necessary to save that victim.” *Portion of proceeds go to victims of child abuse and sex trafficking.