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Bringing Light to the Culture

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You are the light of the world. Our culture needs that light—the light of God’s truth. Are you equipped to share that light to those around you? Is your church? Are your children?

Today, you can help more Americans shine God’s light in every area of society by joining Point of View’s TruthTeam.

The need for light is not new. That’s why Point of View first hit the airwaves 50 years ago—to help Christians develop a biblical worldview that empowers them to bring light to the culture.

In those 50 years, Point of View has impacted millions of Americans because of listeners like you who stepped up to support the program.

When you partner with Point of View by joining the TruthTeam, you play an active role in carrying the light of God’s Truth to more people.

When you partner with Point of View, you’re also a part of something unique. Point of View is unmatched in the breadth of issues we cover and the depth of coverage we give them—all from a biblical perspective and with a civil tone. In short, we are committed to being a light on the hill for God’s truth—a light that can shine even brighter with your help.

Please, give today, or join the TruthTeam with a monthly donation.

What You Get When You Make a Monthly Commitment…
Monthly Gift
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine, Point of View’s monthly publication available only to TruthTeam members like you
$30 a Month
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine
$50 a Month
  • Yeti™ Tumbler with Point of View’s 50th Anniversary Logo
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine
$100 a Month
  • A collection of the year’s five most important books as recommended by Point of View host Kerby Anderson
  • Yeti™ Tumbler with Point of View’s 50th Anniversary Logo
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine