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Bringing Light to the Culture

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Help us raise $100,000 to bring light back to our culture!

The darkness engulfing our nation—from the lack of patriotism to the spiritual and moral decay—feels so heavy. Getting America back on track seems like an overwhelming task.

But it is possible if we each do our part!

That’s what Point of View equips listeners to do—their part. For 50 years, Americans have depended on Point of View to deliver…

  • Accurate information they can trust
  • A biblical perspective on the issues of the day
  • Practical tips for living out God’s truth in ways that impact the culture

But Point of View depends on you to keep delivering this unique and vital content that Americans can’t get anywhere else. 

When Americans have access to the kind of resources and insight Point of View offers, it makes a difference. Over the decades, Americans have been motivated to…

  • Start organizations that transformed cultural awareness about abortion and the pro-life movement…
  • Bring a Christian perspective to government, from local school board meetings to presidential elections…
  • Combat secularization in public schools, start Christian schools, save the right to homeschool from an overreaching Congress…
  • And so much more!

These are just a few examples of the ways Point of View listeners have done their part to bring light to the culture.

Tens of thousands of Americans tune into Point of View every week. Do your part today by empowering them to bring light back to our culture! Join the Truth Team below to get started.

What You Get When You Make a Monthly Commitment…
Monthly Gift
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine, Point of View’s monthly publication available only to TruthTeam members like you
$30 a Month
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine
$50 a Month
  • A 60 by 80-inch Blanket with Point of View’s 50th Anniversary Logo
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine
$100 a Month
  • A collection of the year’s most important books as recommended by Point of View host Kerby Anderson
  • A 60 by 80-inch Blanket with Point of View’s 50th Anniversary Logo
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine