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Democratic Excuses for the Mid-Term Elections

Biden, McCarthy, McConnell, Harris, Pelosi, & Schumer in Oval Office
By: Jim Geraghty – – November 6, 2022

As we approach an Election Day that appears likely to be a GOP landslide, you’re starting to hear a few voices on the left warn that this is a signal that the Democrats are overdue for a major course correction.

The Washington Post‘s Greg Sargent tells his readers something they probably don’t want to hear, that the Democratic argument that electing Republicans jeopardizes democracy itself just doesn’t resonate with swing voters. Former Associated Press Washington bureau chief Ron Fournier puts it even more bluntly: “A party that loses to Trump’s GOP must be fundamentally and culturally flawed.”

I’m pleasantly surprised that, at …

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Source: Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Democrats Lost Because They Were Too Nice | National Review