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left_flag Tuesday, February 21
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
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Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. It’s a Remote LIVE Broadcast from Anchorage, Alaska.

Kerby’s first guest is John Bevere. A prolific writer, John brings us his new book, The Awe of God, being released today! Kerby’s second guest is Shaunti Feldhahn. She brings us her new book, Secrets of Sex & Marriage.

Please participate with your questions or comments. You can reach us by phone at: 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

John Bevere Show Page
John Bevere
Minister | Author | Co-Founder - Messenger International
John Bevere is a minister known for his bold, uncompromising approach to God's Word. He is also an international bestselling author who has written more than 20 books that have, collectively, sold millions of copies and been translated into 129 languages. Along with his wife, Lisa, John is the co-founder of Messenger International—a ministry committed to revolutionizing global discipleship. Driven by a passion to develop uncompromising followers of Christ, Messenger has given over 50 million translated resources to leaders across the globe, and to extend these efforts, the MessengerX app was developed, providing translated, digital discipleship resources at no cost to users in 118 languages and counting. MessengerX currently has users in over 19,000 cities and 228 nations. When John is home in Franklin, Tennessee, you’ll find him loving on his g-babies, playing pickleball, or trying to convince Lisa to take up golf.
The Awe of God: The Astounding Way a Healthy Fear of God Transforms Your Life
Do you long for an intimate relationship with your Creator, but He seems elusive? Perhaps it is because something utterly essential is missing—the fear of the Lord. Don't let this frighten you. Fearing God is very different than being afraid of God. It's the key to everything.

If you look at the men and women in Scripture, the ones who lived and finish well all have one thing in common: they are marked by holy fear.

The Awe of God was designed to be read slowly and intentionally. At the end of each of the 42 chapters are five tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you. Experience the intimate relationship with God that you have always longed for by unlocking this countercultural message.
Shaunti Feldhahn Show Page
Shaunti Feldhahn
Author | Researcher | Speaker | Podcaster
Shaunti Feldhahn is a bestselling author, social researcher, speaker, and podcaster. With a graduate degree from Harvard, Shaunti uses her analytical background to help relationships thrive. She and her husband, Jeff, have coauthored groundbreaking relationship books with nearly 3 million copies sold.
Secrets of Sex and Marriage: 8 Surprises That Make All the Difference
Most people are curious about sex and would love a few answers. "Are we normal?" "Why isn't my spouse as interested in sex as I am?" "I don't want to feel pressured, but don't want to disappoint my spouse either--what do I do?" "How do we handle the impact of medication, menopause, porn, ED, pain . . . ?"

Most importantly: "How can we get on the same page and create a thriving intimate life?"

Relationship researcher Shaunti Feldhahn and renowned sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma have identified eight simple, transformational factors to help you move from disconnection to delight. This is knowledge you can trust, based on vast clinical experience and their breakthrough research, including the largest nationally representative study ever conducted with married couples about sex.
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