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left_flag Monday, June 3
Monday, June 3, 2024

For the first hour of the show today, host Kerby Anderson opens with today’s headlines. Then Kerby welcomes Derek Grier. Their topic for discussion is the National Unity Weekend. In the second hour, Kerby’s guest is Scott Phelps. Scott is back to bring us information about Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership. Then Kerby expounds on the stories that affect our lives.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Derek Grier Show Page
Derek Grier, DMin
Founding Pastor of Grace Church, Dumfries, VA - Founder of Virginia Bible College
Derek Grier is the founding pastor of Grace Church in Dumfries, Virginia, which began with twelve people and currently has more than five thousand members. His radio and television ministry reach millions around the globe. He is also the founder of several educational training and outreach programs, including Virginia Bible College, Renaissance Leadership Network, Derek Grier E-Class, and Project Promise.
National Unity Weekend
Unity Weekend was founded to elevate the Christ-centered church as the key facilitator in leading our society toward racial unity and serving the needs of diverse American communities in both word and deed through teaching the Gospel and service/volunteerism (Romans 10:17, Psalm 107:20, Luke 12:33-34, Luke 14:12-14).
Scott Phelps Show Page
Scott Phelps
Executive Director - Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership
After counseling many families struggling with teen pregnancy and destructive behaviors, Scott Phelps joined ChicagoCare Pregnancy Center (now Caris) to develop and implement abstinence programs in public schools across Chicago and the Chicago suburbs. Seeing the incredible response to this message, Scott went to work for Kathleen Sullivan at Project Reality, a statewide program in Glenview where he served as National Program Director working to expand the reach of abstinence programs. During this time, Scott wrote two popular abstinence curricula: A.C. Green’s GamePlan and Navigator and worked to expand the reach of Project Reality nationally. Today these programs are now widely used around the country.

In April 2004, A&M Partnership was founded with a vision of providing training and support for educators around the country with the purpose of reaching every teenager in the country with the abstinence and marriage message. A&M Partnership is a leading provider of abstinence education certification trainings for educators having trained more than 4,000 educators nationwide.

In June 2005, A&M Resources was founded to provide the materials necessary for parents and educators to teach students the abstinence and marriage message themselves. Quest, Aspire, Excel, were developed to compliment for this purpose. Through the success of this program, A&M has become one of the leading providers of abstinence education programs around the country, training hundreds of teachers and providing materials for programs in all 50 states.

Today, A&M provides training and resources for pregnancy centers, public and private schools, churches, and community organizations throughout the country.
Trump leaving court - many media yelling
Liberal Editorials about Trump Verdict
Even Donald Trump's detractors know they shouldn't be celebrating this conviction, and some are admitting it.
Supreme Court - 2023
Liberal Media Conspiracy Theories
The Liberal media have bombarded the Supreme Court justices with crazy conspiracy theories to undermine a conservative toehold in government The latest is the silly flag controversy.
Wedding rings on a Bible
National Marriage Campaign
We believe that marriage is the cornerstone of culture. When strong, committed marriages are in place - families thrive. Our mission is to put this realization into the hearts of young people by equipping adults to provide them with the guidance to achieve this for their futures. Specifically through the education of why marriage matters and the importance of choosing abstinence for marriage.
Sen. Wicker, ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee
Call for Rearmament
By: The Editorial Board - - June 2, 2024 Sen. Wicker, ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee, rolled out a report detailing why America’s military budget is inadequate for the “world in which ...
HMS Sutherland in Yokosuka, Japan
The World Needs the West
By: Robert Clarck - - May 16, 2024 The world keeps getting more dangerous. It is now grappling with war in Ukraine; China’s increasingly bellicose actions in the South China Sea and its little-talked-about nuclear proliferation; ...



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