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Coddling of Kamala

Kamala campaigning - Shrugs
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By: Philip Klein –

If you can get away with scripted events and the media are happily behaving as a mere extension of your public-relations team, why bother taking questions?

If you listen to the real-time accounts of those closest to Secretariat’s stunning win at Belmont, you hear everybody saying he was going way too fast early on and couldn’t possibly maintain his speed throughout the whole race. And yet, somehow, he managed. Watching the media trip all over themselves to boost Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential candidacy without asking any critical questions of her, I keep thinking the same thing: The media can’t possibly maintain this pace for the rest of the election, right? 

On the other hand, what if they are able to?

If we take the broader view of

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Source: Kamala Harris Isn’t Taking Questions & Media Are OK With It | National Review