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Enduring Wealth

Book cover - Enduring Wealth
Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

Nearly every recent survey documents the need for Christians to get sound, biblically based instruction on finances. One way to maximize your resources for God’s kingdom is to get a copy of Enduring Wealth: Being Rich in This World and the Next by Raymond Harris.

He asks many questions throughout his book and begins with an important one. Are you rich? You probably don’t think you are because you know others who are wealthier. But he reminds us that compared to most of the world’s population, you are very rich. He also reminds us that the wealth that we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:12)

One chapter reminds us that it is OK to be rich, and another provides biblical advice for the rich. Solomon underscored the inability of wealth to provide security (Proverbs 23:4-5). Jesus warned of the folly of chasing temporary wealth (Matthew 16:26-27).

A very significant chapter talks about developing economic engines. In the future, we will need to develop other ways to fund missions and ministries apart from typical fund-raising activities. He is concerned that as nonprofits and ministries proliferate, the clamor for kingdom dollars will intensify. Developing a business project that can finance God’s kingdom work is something he has not only thought about but accomplished in many parts of the world.

He also has wise advice for businesspeople, who need to see themselves as stewards. He even suggested that the new missionary will be the businessperson. They will need to understand the difference between the world’s economy and God’s economy. We all need to remember, as he says in one chapter, that life is hard, and time is short.

I recommend Enduring Wealth because it will remind you what is important and encourage you to use all your wealth (time, talent, treasure) for God’s kingdom.viewpoints new web version

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