Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson! Kerby’s guest in our first hour is Natasha Crain. They’ll be talking about her new book, “When Culture Hates You,” and about secular influence on Christians. In the second hour, Kerby shares today’s top stories. He’ll have an indepth update on Ukraine and Russia to English becoming our official language. It’s going to be a great show.
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A marketing executive and adjunct marketing professor before she transitioned to the full-time ministry of writing and speaking, Natasha holds an MBA in Marketing and Statistics from UCLA, a BA in Economics from USC and a certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University.
She and her husband have been married 22 years and have three kids—a son and daughter who are 13 (twins) and a daughter who is 11. They homeschool and live in southern California.

As Christians, our calling is to speak truth in the face of hostility. Not because we want to “war” with culture but because we love both God and others.