Our host is Kerby Anderson! The first half hour of the show he brings us an update from the weekend. His first guest is Emma Freire. They’ll discuss her article, “Crushing Dissent” about elite media and censorship. In the second hour, Rob Pacienza & Tom DeRosa join Kerby to talk about Creation Studies Institute joining Coral Ridge Ministries to advance the case for Creation.
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Tom was a dedicated and deceived evolutionist but he is now a creationist, because of what Jesus Christ did for him. He has first-hand knowledge of how the Creation Message has a dramatic impact on lives. He is committed to break down those barriers in other people’s lives and to fill believers with the knowledge that will allow them to do the same. It is Tom’s desire to use his knowledge in Science to show others that Faith and Science DO mix, that they complement one another in a beautiful symbiotic relationship. Tom has published an easy-to-understand book entitled, “Evidence for Creation,” that attests to this very truth. He has also written the book, “Evolution’s Fatal Fruit: How Darwin’s Tree of Life Brought Death to Millions,” which shows how through the theory of evolution, Darwin lied to the world and caused millions to lose focus as to our origin, and the love of our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rob is a graduate of Samford University (B.A. ’03), Knox Theological Seminary (M.Div. ’12), and Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia (D.Min. ’23). His doctorate project was entitled, This Is My Father’s World: A Vision for Equipping Culture-Shaping Christians. Rob is married to Jennifer and they have three children – Preston, Lydia, and Lilianne.