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Ben Carson’s Campaign

Despite scaling down campaign activities for his book tour, Ben Carson again made headlines this weekend for a series of controversial comments concerning Osama bin Laden and who bears responsibility for the attacks on 9/11.

Speaking on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday, Carson gave Donald Trump a pass on his remarks suggesting George W. Bush bears some of the blame for the attacks on 9/11.

“I would probably ask him what he meant by that. I seriously doubt that he’s saying that — that George W. Bush is to blame for it,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.”

And in comments to NBC News on Friday, Carson said it would be “ridiculous” to suggest Bush bears any blame for the attacks.

On Sunday, he also struggled to explain his own proposal for responding to the attacks. During the last GOP debate, Carson suggested threatening petroleum independence would’ve encouraged encouraged moderate Arab states to give up Osama bin Laden.

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos noted that bin Laden wasn’t receiving safe harbor from those moderate governments, but Carson disagreed.

“You may not think that they had any loyalty to him, but I believe otherwise,” he said.


Source: Alexandra Jaffe,