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Natural Family

traditional family

Is the traditional family dead in America? No. Supreme Court justices and other federal judges can try to redefine marriage, but that can’t change the reality of the natural family. That was certainly the conclusion from the World Congress of Families held recently in Salt Lake City. Robert Knight was on my program recently to talk about his Washington Times column on the family conference.

First, it is important to remind everyone that God is not dead. In fact, the movie with the title God’s Not Dead brought in more than $66 million at the box office. Movie Guide publisher Ted Baehr hosted a screening of the next film,God’s Not Dead 2. It will surely do well when it comes out.

Second, it is important to remind everyone that Christians and other people who believe in traditional values aren’t going down without a fight. One of the other speakers at the conference was Rafael Cruz. He has been on my radio program and is the father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Robert Knight reported that Rafael Cruz got a standing ovation for pledging civil disobedience to the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.

Third, more and more Americans are witnessing the devastation of the sexual revolution on society. One of the other speakers was Jennifer Roback Morse, author of the new book, The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims.  You don’t have to have a PhD in the social sciences to see the negative impact of sexual promiscuity and the wholesale redefinition of marriage.

Finally, the 2015 election demonstrated a backlash against the liberal progressive agenda. Voters in cities like Houston and voters in states like Kentucky voted for traditional values and against progressive values. This may be a preview of what voters might do November of 2016.

The traditional family is not dead. We have many reasons to be encouraged by many of these social trends.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson

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