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Target Boycott

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I’m not much of a boycotter. It’s hard to break entrenched shopping habits and I’m never sure how much it really accomplishes. But once in awhile a targeted (no pun intended) boycott is called for. The boycott of Target stores is such a case.

Target recently announced that, in their stores, transgender individuals can use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.

Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder says the policy has been in place for several years. But Target’s proud announcement of it invites predators. And many Americans are legitimately worried, especially since this policy also extends to Target’s changing rooms. Molly Snyder told USA Today, “At any given time, in any area of our store, if a guest has a concern they should raise it to our team.”

OK, well — people are raising their concerns — proactively — all over the country.     The American Family Association launched a boycott of Target over this bathroom policy, and it took off. I spoke with Tim Wildmon, the organization’s President, on the radio the day the signature count surpassed a million. AFA has launched successful boycotts over the years. Tim Wildmon pointed out: they really don’t do it that often. But, sometimes, he says, an issue warrants action. And they believe they have the perfect — uh — target.

So, people are hitting Target where it hurts by not shopping there and by going in and making mention of this issue to the folks at their local Target. If you want, you can officially join the boycott at

Target’s announcement was one of a flurry of corporate reactions to a new law passed by the state of North Carolina that requires individuals to use public bathrooms that correspond with the sex listed on their birth certificate.

The minute population of transgenders in the country have been quietly using the restrooms of their choice until now. But a pubic statement of policy has changed the equation because now it’s ripe for abuse by people who have a mind to harm women and girls in public bathrooms

Have we reached the point where we have to explain commonsense to business people.

Folk’s we’re beyond that.

John Hayward at Breitbart writes of a New Bathroom Order:  “Welcome,” he says, “to life in totalitarian America where even going to the bathroom and identifying the sex of an adult have become intensely political acts.” He continues, “Totalitarianism is about using force to gain political goals. You can’t get more coercive than forcing the vast majority of people to endorse the utterly bizarre just to accommodate the allegedly hurt feelings if an almost undetectably small percentage of the population.”

Until now, we have been able to look the other way if we see a transgender who probably isn’t in his biological bathroom. But we haven’t had to pretend that men are women. That’s what the Left is now demanding of us. And we shouldn’t do it.

Viewspoints by Penna Dexter

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