Today on Point of View, we hear from James Robison, founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, and the founder and publisher of The Stream. He discusses his book, The Stream: Refreshing Hearts and Minds, Renewing Freedom’s Blessing.
In the second hour Richard P. Hansen (D.Min, Fuller Theological Seminary) a longtime pastor and former missionary professor at Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia joins us to talk about his book, Paradox Lost: Rediscovering the Mystery of God.
Robison's campaign for 2016 and beyond is the restoration of the Christian faith and the renewal of an America whose foundings have eroded. The Stream charts a clear path to personal restoration and outlines a plan for spiritual revolution in our culture, values, morals, and in government.
In exchange for Enlightenment-based rationalism that can stunt spiritual imagination, Hansen invites readers to:
Discern that there is a hiddenness to God that can be
inviting rather than threatening
Appreciate that God is far greater than we sometimes
assume, and to adjust our mental maps to make more
space for awe
Realize that faith and reason are not enemies but rather
dance partners that complement one another