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California Religious Colleges

by Penna Dexter

In oral arguments last year in Obergefell vs. Hodges, the case that struck down the laws against same-sex marriage in every state, the Obama Administration’s lawyer made a very accurate prediction.

During the proceedings, Justice Samuel Alito asked Solicitor General Donald Verrilli a question about how the religious liberty of religious schools that oppose same-sex marriage might be affected if the Court were to rule that same-sex marriage is a civil right. He wanted to know whether religious colleges and universities would be penalized for holding biblical principles about marriage and sexuality should the court mandate same-sex marriage nationwide.

Here’s how Mr. Verrilli, the Solicitor General replied:

“You know, I . . . I don’t think I can answer that question without knowing more specifics, but it’s certainly going to be an issue.  I . . . I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is . . . it is going to be an issue.”

How true this has turned out to be! This issue is currently being debated in the California legislature. The California State Assembly will be considering a bill already passed by the state senate that would severely penalize the state’s religious institutions of higher learning if they stick with the traditional understanding of marriage and sexuality. The bill is SB 1146 and it contains three provisions that will have a huge negative financial impact on religious colleges that refuse to change their current practices.

First the schools will be required to make single-sex bathrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities available to students based on gender identity, rather than biological sex – the now-familiar transgender bathroom mandate. But it’s worse. The gender-confused male, without even having had hormonal or surgical alterations, would be required to be allowed to live in the girls’ dorm.

Secondly, married housing will have to be made available to same-sex couples.

And, thirdly, schools that consider religion in admissions or hiring would lose their protections for doing so. In other words, schools that exist so that religious teachers can teach religious principles to religious students would be punished. And there’s a companion bill that affects the ability of students to utilize the tuition assistance provided by CalGrants to attend religious schools.

There are lots of wonderful Christian colleges in California, including the excellent Biola. One of my sons graduated from The Masters College whose chancellor is the prominent pastor and radio teacher, John MacArthur. He called SB 1146 “the biggest threat to Christian education in the history of the United States of America.”

SB 1146, assuming Governor Jerry Brown signs it into law, would wipe out the religious character of any religious school that complies. This is couched in the language of non-discrimination. But it drives a stake into the heart of Christian education. Agree with the religion of the sexual revolution or lose any assistance that is available to all other schools and students.

Dr. Mac Arthur and his fellow leaders will need great courage.

Viewspoints by Penna Dexter


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