First hour of the show today Kerby welcomes author and radio talk show host, Charles J. Sykes. He tells us more about his book, Fail U: The False Promise of Higher Education.
In the second hour, we hear from author Brian Mavis about his book, The Neighboring Church: Getting Better at What Jesus said Matters Most.
Charlie's books include A Nation of Victims and Dumbing Down Our Kids, ProfScam, The Hollow Men, The End of Privacy and 50 Rules Kids Won't Learn In School and A Nation of Moochers. Charlie also edits WI Interest, a magazine published by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute.
Charlie's work has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and other major publications; he has appeared on national television, broadcast from the White House, and spoken at major universities. In addition, Charlie has served Milwaukee as a reporter for the Journal, editor-in-chief of Milwaukee Magazine, lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and special assistant to the county executive.
In Fail U., Charles J. Sykes asks, "Is it worth it?" With chapters exploring the staggering costs of a college education, the sharp decline in tenured faculty and teaching loads, the explosion of administrator jobs, the grandiose building plans (gyms, food courts, student recreation centers), and the hysteria surrounding the "epidemic" of campus rapes, "triggers," "micro-aggressions," and other forms of alleged trauma, Fail U. concludes by offering a different vision of higher education; one that is affordable, more productive, and better-suited to meet the needs of a diverse range of students.
Michael F. Shaughnessy –
Charles while some readers may be familiar with you and your work, can you provide a brief synopsis?
I’ve been writing about education for nearly 30 years. My previous books include Profscam, Dumbing Down Our Kids, The Hollow Men, A Nation of Victims, The End of Privacy, 50 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School, and A Nation of Moochers. I’m currently a senior fellow at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute and host a daily radio show. Getting back to talking about education is a nice break from my #NeverTrump campaign.
2. Now, let’s talk about the “false promises of higher education”. We tend to say that the college degree opens all kinds of doors—does it really? Or does it perhaps matter more- which major and minor you study?
After attending the "coolest" and fastest-growing church in town for a few months, Brian Mavis asked some of his neighbors if they would attend church with him. The neighbors said, "Thanks, but no thanks. We don't want to be part of an institutional church ... but we do want to know more about God, and we'd be happy to meet with you to learn more." So Brian began meeting with his neighbors in his home to share the love of God.
And there it is—the call for us as Christians to do what Jesus said matters most:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart ... and love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:37–40).
But loving your neighbors is hard work, right? It's messy. It's unpredictable. It's time consuming.
"We don't know where the State Department ended and the foundation began, and that's really what our investigation is truly uncovering here," Bossie told Fox News' "Fox & Friends," program, after sharing the communication his organization uncovered during its extensive investigation into Clinton's communications.