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3 Urgent Prayer Needs

Pray for America

I know you are already praying about the situation in Ukraine. Will you continue praying with me in a few specific ways? Here are 3 things that have been on my mind:

1. The threat of nuclear war.

God does not want us to live in fear, but the existence of nuclear weapons is the reality of our time. Right now, a man who is likely not mentally stable (Vladimir Putin) is waging war on Ukraine with access to these devastating weapons. These are facts that other world leaders, including our own president, must consider as they decide what actions to take next. Pray that God will stay Putin’s hand when it comes to using nuclear weapons, and give President Biden and our allies supernatural wisdom in their responses to him.

2. The threat of cyber war. 

Even more likely than a nuclear war is a cyber war. In the modern age, nearly every aspect of our lives is connected to technology. A cyber war could bring devastating consequences on a scale we haven’t imagined—from sensitive data being stolen to deception being spread worldwide. Nations that are technologically advanced, like the United States, are even more prone to attack. Pray for strong defenses against cyber-attacks, including wisdom for experts who are working to protect Americans and our allies from cyber warfare.

3. The need for peacemakers.

The Bible calls us to live peaceably with all as far as it depends on us (Romans 12:18). Jesus also reminds us, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). In this time of looming threats, we need peace like never before. Pray that God would raise up peacemakers in positions of influence around the world, and that He would empower each of us to be peacemakers here at home. 

These are sober things to consider, but we know that God is in control. That is why when threats loom, instead of turning to fear or worry, we turn to Him in prayer.

Thank you for agreeing with me in prayer! Feel free share this list with your family, friends, and church.

God bless you,

Kerby Anderson, Host
Point of View