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A Rigged Democratic Nomination?

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Why is John Kasich still in the campaign? Ted Cruz has to get 87% of the remaining delegates to win the nomination. Donald Trump will never get enough delegates to stop a brokered (read that contested) convention. Controversy everywhere. If it bleeds it leads. But the real story is how the Democratic bosses have stolen the nominating process for Hillary Clinton from the vastly more popular Bernie Sanders, everyone’s favorite socialist running for president.

Sanders captured three states (Hawaii, Alaska and Washington) — and by substantial margins –and the next day the talk was about him getting out of the race. I was watching Fox News Sunday and a man of the Left (Juan Williams) and a man of the Right (Jason Riley) concurred on the fact that Sanders is dead meat and is only angling for a big speech at the convention.

I could understand if this guy was drawing 100-person crowds and getting John Kasich-like numbers in primaries, but that is clearly not the case. As of the writing of this column, The Congenital Liar (TCL) has won 1,243 delegates and the kindly, old Socialist has won 975. With the total number necessary to win the nomination being 2,383 delegates, one could easily judge this to be a horse race with a couple of furloughs to go.

Not so in the “Democratic” Party, where the will of people does not matter. They have what they call superdelegates (which is a nice way to say Party Bosses; or, if you don’t like that term, Insiders or better yet The Establishment). TCL leads the Socialist by a current count of 469 to 29 in that count, spreading her lead over him to 708 delegates and making her close to being the nominee.

Just think what might be happening out there without this manipulation of the nomination process. The candidate drawing the bigger crowds and winning quite frequently would be perceived as the one with the momentum toward gaining the party ring. Instead of speaking about Sanders throwing in the towel, the press would be hounding TCL about whether she is going to collapse again like she did in 2008.


Bruce Bialosky, townhall.com