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Cheerleaders’ Rights

Liberty Institute Asks State Supreme Court: Protect Kountze Cheerleaders’ Rights

Liberty Institute files its main legal brief to Court to protect Kountze, Texas, cheerleaders’ freedom to put Bible verses on banners. Fights back against efforts by the school district, Freedom From Religion Foundation, and the ACLU in trying to censor private speech.

Current and future Kountze Independent School District cheerleaders are still in danger since the school district continues to violate the students’ rights by claiming that the cheerleaders’ banners are government speech—and subject to censorship and banning.

This week, Liberty Institute submitted further briefing on behalf of the Kountze cheerleaders, as requested by the Texas Supreme Court, and is hopeful the Court will accept this case and resolve the crucial issue at hand:

The cheerleaders’ religious messaging on their run-through banners is private speech—not government speech, which is subject to censorship and banning—and is protected by the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution. Read More
