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Coverage of Trump’s Trip to the Troops

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By: Alex Parker – redstate.com – December 27, 2018

On Wednesday, I covered the touching story of a serviceman’s encounter with President Trump during the surprise SCOTUS&FLOTUS visit to American military personnel in Iraq for Christmas (please see it here).

Apparently, CNN wasn’t so touched with the whole scenario:

CNN Politics✔
Troops bringing President Trump “Make America Great Again” hats to sign may have violated a military rule https://cnn.it/2EQ5A4i

Good grief.

The network asserted armed forces members may have disobeyed guidelines from the Department of Defense, which state, “Active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause.”

However, they — perhaps conveniently — left out this part:

“Active duty members may, however, express their personal opinions on political candidates and issues, make monetary contributions to a political campaign or organization, and attend political events as a spectator when not in uniform.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders — who initially shared the endearing moment between the President and an Army soldier that I covered yesterday — didn’t much appreciate the shady move against the troops, so she shot back via Twitter Thursday:

Sarah Sanders✔
CNN will attack anyone who supports President Trump, including the brave men and women of our military who fight everyday to protect our freedom https://cnn.it/2EQ5A4i


C’mon, CNN. Do you have to be this goofy?

Yes. Yes, they do.

As is par for the course, no Trump deed goes unpunished.

It seems that the Left can’t stand for the President to do anything good, or for anyone to signal support for him. It’s not normal. There was a time when political discussion was just that. Contemporarily, within the arena of the mainstream media, there’s an all-out war. For further evidence of the battle’s breathtakingly absurd rules of engagement, look here, here, here, here, or here. And take a ganders at The Washington Free Beacon’s hilarious “Worst of 2018” for CNN allied force MSNBC.

Politics has never been a pretty business. But it’s ugliness has reached critical levels.

Oh, and there’s also this: the news media isn’t supposed to engage in politics.

Way to go, goobs.


Source: Sarah Sanders Fires Back at CNN for Trashing the Troops’ Christmas with President Trump