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Cultural warriors can’t give up

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I was talking with a friend of mine the other day. We were talking about the 2008 presidential race and politics in general. I told him one day I get up and I am ready to duke it out, but the next day I wake up and I am ready to give up on the political arena. I know many of you who are Christians and are fighting the culture war just as we are at AFA feel the same exact way. One election cycle we work hard and get the good guys and gals into office and then two years later those who are against everything we hold dear are swept in. It’s frustrating. But what is more demoralizing than anything is when you work hard to get your kind of people into positions of power and influence in government, and then they begin to get weak-kneed or waffle or have to be pressured to do the right thing. How many times do we see this happen? Over and over again. As I said earlier, it makes you sometimes want to just throw up your hands and say, “What’s the use?”

But we can’t do that. Not if we care about the future of America for our children and our grandchildren. We can’t give up, even though we often feel like it.

Now the culture war we are engaged is not only in the political area. That is only one place it is being battled out, but certainly it is a very important place. And I am not talking only about Washington, D.C. I am referring to the battles taking place in our state capitals and at the city council and school board levels. There are those who want to support traditional values and there are those who want to tear down traditional values and replace them with what television and radio commentator Bill O’Reilly calls “secular progressive” values. Ann Coulter calls them “godless” values.

Other areas of our national life where the culture war is being waged include academia, law, entertainment, the arts and even our churches. I was reminded of this fact recently when I read a story in my local paper about a church in Corinth, Mississippi, deciding to leave the old line denomination it has been a member of for many decades because the denomination had become accepting of the gay lifestyle and was even considering ordaining homosexuals as pastors. Read More

Source: , http://www.afajournal.org