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Donald Trump and the Other Candidates

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An exclusive Newsmax survey of over 5,700 voters in 12 southern states indicates GOP presidential contender Donald Trump’s political strength is now centered in the South rather than the Northeast as initially expected.

Pollsters say Trump’s dominance in the southern tier of primary states is surging so much that his Republican opponents may well feel compelled to go on the attack against him in Thursday’s debate, to do whatever they can to slow down the Trump juggernaut.

“With a full stage of candidates,” predicts Boston University professor and political analyst Tobe Berkovitz, “someone will take a whack at The Donald.”

Pollster Matt Towery released the exclusive Newsmax-Southern Political Report Survey conducted by Opinion Savvy late Tuesday. The poll, which has a margin of error of just 1.3 percent, showed Trump dominating the rest of the GOP field in the South with 28 percent of the vote, compared to his national standing of 23 percent of the GOP vote, as reflected in the latest RealClearPolitics poll average.

According to the Newsmax survey, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is running second in the southern tier states, with 18 percent of the vote. Dr. Ben Carson placed third with 10 percent.

None of the remaining 14 GOP contenders managed to reach double digits in the Newsmax-Southern Political Report Survey. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz had 9 percent. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker were tied at 6 percent.Read More

Source: David A Patten, http://www.newsmax.com/