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Don’t Attack Supreme Court with Guns

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By: Dan McLaughlin – nationalreview.com – June 15, 2022

“How aggressively should liberals attack the Supreme Court?” That is the headline on a Washington Post article co-bylined by Paul Waldman and Greg Sargent. A sampling:

A debate is heating up on the left about how to communicate with the public about the court’s radicalization and what should be done about it. Grist for this discussion comes from the group Take Back the Court, which has released a new memo suggesting that liberals and Democrats should frontally attack the court as a kind of cancer on democracy. The memo argues for messaging that depicts the court as fundamentally rigged by Republican tactics such as the swiping of Merrick Garland’s seat. . . . The idea of an aggressive attack on the court as a fundamentally damaging force in our politics might push establishment liberal institutions in a direction that makes them uncomfortable.

Here’s a suggestion: If you’re going to call the Supreme Court a “cancer” on our system and debate how people on your side “should frontally attack” it with “aggressive attack” tactics that treat it as “rigged” and “a fundamentally damaging force in our politics,” maybe you should at least remind them not to try to assassinate the justices, at least when one of them was just arrested last week trying to do so. That is certainly the standard that the Post‘s liberals have applied in other contexts, if you recall Max Boot trying to smear me on the basis of things written by a shooter in El Paso, Texas. I don’t hold Sargent and Waldman responsible for the guy who showed up at Brett Kavanaugh’s house with “a black tactical chest rig and tactical knife, a Glock 17 with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crow bar, pistol light, duct tape, hiking boots with padding on the outside of the soles” and an admitted plan to assassinate Kavanaugh. But at the very least, they could mention this fact somewhere in their column as a to-be-sure word of caution against taking this all too far. Instead, so far as I can determine from their columns and Twitter feeds, neither Waldman nor Sargent has yet seen fit to say a word about the attempt on Kavanaugh; to the contrary, just twelve hours after the would-be assassin was apprehended, Waldman published a column titled, “Conservatives, your radical legal revolution will not go unchallenged.” It is enough to make one wonder if Waldman or Sargent actually have any criticism at all to offer against the assassination of conservative justices.

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Source: Liberals, Don’t Attack Supreme Court with Guns | National Review