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Don't mention the word "America" too often

ACLU- Trumps America – January 30, 2018

Faiz Shakir, national political director at the American Civil Liberties Union, issued the following statement after President Trump’s first State of the Union address:
“Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that have harmed so many vulnerable American communities. The ACLU stands ready to protect these communities, both in the courts and at the polls.
“In particular, the immigration plan put forth by Trump would hold Dreamers hostage to his demands for a harmful border wall and an even larger mass deportation force. We are at this crossroads because of the president’s deeply destructive ideas fomented by his nativist allies and divisive rhetoric. We will continue to stand up for these young immigrants and ensure they continue to contribute to our country. We cannot let America’s Dreamers be deported.”
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Source: ACLU: Trump’s America is Exclusionary | American Civil Liberties Union