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Erasure of Women

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Progressive gender ideology insists that boys can be girls and that men have a right to invade women-only spaces. This is an assault on truth, on the Imago Dei, and on women and girls. The best way to meet this assault is with the power of prayer.


The Biden Administration recently announced new changes to Title IX, which was established in 1972 to protect women’s rights in education. The updates erase that protection, mandating that biological males be allowed to participate on girls’ sports teams and access girls’ locker rooms, bathrooms, and dorms—from elementary schools to colleges and universities. Any educational institution that receives federal funding is supposed to abide by these rules, though some states’ governors have already refused.

Women are being erased elsewhere as well. La Leche League is just one recent example. The nonprofit organization has been helping American moms breastfeed since 1956. Now, La Leche League welcomes biological men to its meetings—a place previously reserved for new mothers who needed guidance while learning to feed their babies—for “chestfeeding” support.

As journalist and mother Bethany Mandel wrote for The Free Press, “Watching the most prominent proponents and cheerleaders of breastfeeding abandon women for the sake of a radical political ideology feels like a betrayal.”

Don’t forget the ongoing issue of biological males infiltrating places like women’s shelters and prisons, as in California—where incarcerated women complain about the harm they’ve experienced.


Please pray the following prayer along with me:

Dear God,

Restore moral clarity to our nation, particularly to those who lead schools, organizations, and governments. Give them the common sense to protect the safety, privacy, and activities of women and girls. 

Protect women and girls in places that should be safe and private.

Encourage Americans to stand up for the rights of women and girls, even when it’s not easy or popular.

Comfort those who struggle with gender identity confusion. Help them find peace, hope, and healing in You. Equip the church to love these individuals while protecting women’s rights and defending biblical truth.

In Jesus’ Name,


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  • Read and share Penna Dexter’s Viewpoints commentary, “Assault on Normalcy.”