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Existential Threats to America – David Limbaugh

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It’s to be expected that I hardly agree with President Obama on any political issues, as we have radically different worldviews, but what I don’t understand is why there isn’t more alarm from all quarters about the potentially existential threats to this nation posed by his policies.

Obama’s ideas, policies and actions in office are often so outrageous that when you describe them or the threat they represent, people discount your comments as extreme on their face. The trouble is it’s hard not to sound extreme when what he’s doing is extreme.

I probably disagreed with Bill Clinton 80 percent of the time, but I never feared that the country was in serious jeopardy under him. As bad as I believed Obama would be in 2008, I never thought those in the political establishment (sympathetic Democratic politicians in Washington and too many ineffective or gun-shy Republican ones) would either join him or abdicate their responsibility and let him accelerate the demise of the nation as rapidly as he has. It would be impossible for one man to do this much damage alone.

Matt Drudge recently tweeted: “Next 18 months going to be EVERYTHING. Bigger than campaign news: Obama’s scorched Earth exit. You’ve been warned…” This makes me nervous. How could he get any worse?Read More

Source: David Limbaugh, www.humanevents.com