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Family Research Council Joins National #PPSellsBabyParts Protest

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Saturday, August 22, thousands of pro-life Americans in over 280 cities will be protesting Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and selling of aborted baby parts.  Family Research Council is one of over fifty co-sponsors of the nationwide protest. Sponsors of the protest include Created Equal, Pro-Life Action League, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, and 40 Days for Life.

Arina Grossu, Family Research Council’s Director of the Center for Human Dignity, gave the following comments in regard to the rallies:

“If you are sickened, and saddened that Planned Parenthood exploits women and harvests and sells their babies’ organs, please join a local protest at your nearest Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood is an organization that pretends to care for women’s health but in fact, is deceptive and harmful to women and our communities.   There are plenty of women’s health organizations that do more for women than Planned Parenthood has ever done, and those are the health centers we want to see supported in our communities.

