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First Liberty Cases (Coach Kennedy and Judge Mack)

Joe Kennedy
By: Mike Carter – – January 25, 2018

Attorneys for former Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy say they will take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected a request by former Bremerton High School assistant coach Joseph Kennedy to reconsider its refusal to reinstate him to his job after he was fired for refusing to stop praying on the football field, and his attorneys vow they’ll take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

A three-member panel of the court in August sided with the school district in upholding a lower court’s decision that found the district was justified in firing Kennedy after warning him that his public displays of religious devotion were inappropriate and implied the school was endorsing his beliefs, in violation of the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Kennedy and his attorneys, with the conservative Plano, Texas-based First Liberty Institute sought a rehearing by the full court. However, the judges voted and on Thursday denied the request.

“It is disappointing that the Ninth Circuit would refuse to hear Coach Kennedy’s case en banc, especially in light of the extreme, far-reaching opinion issued by the three-judge panel,” said Mike Berry, deputy general counsel for First Liberty. He predicted dire consequences to religious liberties if the decision is allowed to stand.

“Banning all coaches from praying just because they can be seen is wrong and contradicts the Constitution,” said Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of First Liberty, who said the institute will ask the Supreme Court to hear the case.

“We will keep fighting on behalf of Coach Kennedy until his religious liberties are fully restored,” he said.

The Bremerton School District, in a statement, acknowledged it was aware of the appellate court’s decision.

“The District will now await Mr. Kennedy’s decision whether to petition to the United States Supreme Court, or to proceed with the remainder of his case in the district court. The District looks forward to the eventual conclusion of this matter.”

In a pair of rulings issued in August, the three-judge panel found that Kennedy was acting as a teacher, with a duty to the district, students and parents to set an example. The appeals court found Kennedy “took advantage of his position to press his particular views upon impressionable and captive minds before him.”

The judges said Kennedy could not prove he was exercising his First Amendment rights as a private citizen when he insisted, against orders from the Bremerton School District, on taking a knee at the 50-yard line after football games and praying.

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Source: Court rejects appeal of ex-Bremerton football coach who prayed after games | The Seattle Times