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Five Things to Know About Mike Pence

After delaying his initial announcement out of respect for the terror attack in Nice, France, Donald Trump confirmed reports Friday and tweeted that he is, indeed, selecting Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate for the presidential election.

The Indianapolis Star and other sources initially reported the Pence pick Thursday ahead of a Trump press conference scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday. But the presser was pushed after a Thursday night attack in Nice saw 84 people killed and scores more injured when a gunman plowed a heavy truck through the crowded streets of people celebrating Bastille Day.

Trump made the official announcement on his Twitter account Friday morning.

Pence, 57, will now withdraw from re-election to a second term as governor. He brings years of experience in national politics to the ticket, having served 12 years in Congress before becoming governor in 2013. His appeal to conservatives includes his stances on fiscal responsibility, economic growth, smaller government, and military strength.

He and his wife, Karen, married since 1985, have three children. Here are five things you should know about Pence and his upcoming role in helping Trump win the White House:

1. Pence has a low-key personality, according to Howard Kurtz at Fox News. This contrasts with Trump’s fiery approach in the political arena and will help balance the ticket. While Trump keeps his grass-roots base revved up, Pence can provide the traditional conservative message with a more calming approach.

2. Before he became governor, Pence served six terms in Congress. He built up a strong relationship with representatives on Capitol Hill. This could bolster Trump’s shaky connection to many Republicans who distanced themselves from the presumptive Republican nominee. Pence served on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs to provide the Republican ticket with national security experience, noted The Hill.

3. Pence will attract the Christian right with his strong anti-abortion stance. While in Congress, he tried to de-fund Planned Parenthood, noted Brian Eason of the Indianapolis Star. Pence once stated that he is “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.” This, however, could cause an opposite effect for voters with an aversion to evangelical involvement in politics.

4. As governor, Pence has shown he is business friendly. Indiana has the seventh lowest tax burden on businesses, according to a 2013 study, the Indianapolis Star reported. The state could have the second lowest corporate income tax in the nation from a bill Pence signed in 2014, which cuts the tax from 6.5 percent to 4.9 percent by 2021. He oversaw the largest state tax cut in Indiana history, relieving business personal property taxes.