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Gaining by Losing – 20 Truths

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1. Jesus did not say come and grow, but come and die. (17)

2. We live by losing. We gain by giving away. What we achieve by building our personal platform will never be as great as what God achieves through what we give away in faith. (18)

3. Study after study shows that most Christians have never even shared their faith—most indicating that somewhere 90 percent of evangelicals have never shared their faith with anyone outside of their family. (22)

4. The church is now Jesus’ vehicle for the completion of his mission. Jesus finished the purchase of our salvation, paying the full price for our sin on the cross and shattering the powers of death in the resurrection, but the mission of salvation is not yet complete. (31)

5. Blessing the community might certainly include growing a big church, but it would also mean giving away some of our resources. (42)Read More

Source: Ed Stetzer, http://www.christianitytoday.com