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Iran Nuclear Deal

Gary Bauer
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President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran got the Tea Party treatment [Wednesday]. Americans concerned about our security and Israel’s turned out on Capitol Hill [yesterday] afternoon for a huge rally warning against this terrible deal. It featured Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson, Donald Trump and many others.

I also spoke at the rally and did a live interview with the Fox Business Network as the event was getting underway.

You should know that many members of Congress are just as frustrated as you are by this deal and how it is being handled. They are pursuing a variety of options to stop it. For example:

Rep. Louie Gohmert offered a resolution declaring the deal to be a treaty and demanding it be considered as such.

Rep. Peter Roskam offered a resolution declaring that the president is not in compliance with the Iran Nuclear Review Act, as we discussed in [Tuesday’s] report. Ted Cruz has introduced a similar resolution in the Senate.

Members of the House Freedom Caucus are considering other options to delay the House vote.


Source: Gary Bauer,