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Katie Couric and TV Journalism

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In these days of news cycles measured in minutes, if not seconds, the Katie Couric scandal may seem almost as stale as Katie Couric herself. But bear with me. It’s a big deal, and not just because she lied. But let’s begin with the lie.

Serving as host and executive producer for an anti-gun “news” documentary, Under the Gun, Couric held a focus group with members of a gun-rights group called the Virginia Citizens Defense League. She asked the attendees, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from walking into, say, a licensed gun dealer and purchasing a gun?” In reality the group had any number of immediate and thoughtful responses (whether you agree with them or not).

But what ended up in the final video was something very different. For eight very long seconds, Couric’s question hung in the air as the members of the focus group were depicted as dumbstruck, some with their heads hanging low, as if this question was not only unanswerable, but exposed something shameful.

Couric and her team achieved this through simple video editing.By taking footage from elsewhere in the session and splicing it after the question, they made it seem like the group was struck mute by the brilliance and moral power of the question.

The simplest way to illustrate the nature of this lie is to imagine if a print reporter had been there instead of a camera. Let’s say I’m that reporter, watching the focus group in real time from a corner of the room. Now imagine that in my account of the meeting, instead of reporting that the group answered immediately and energetically, I reported: “When Couric asked her question about background checks, a long and shamefaced collective silence fell over the whole group. Not one of these purported gun-rights activists knew how to respond.”

There is simply no way a reasonable person can deny that would be a lie.

This incident is being cited by many on the right as a perfect example of media bias — and it is. Couric is a partisan hypocrite. She criticized the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives talking about selling baby parts as deceptively edited, even though their editing was tame compared to Couric’s (and the Center for Medical Progress had released the raw video of their interviews as well).

But there’s something else worth noting here: TV itself is a biased medium. In the early days of television — and before that, radio — the hope was that technology could take out the middleman-journalist and provide “objective” reporting. Just place a microphone or a camera at the heart of the action, and the audience will get that You Are There feeling. The problem is that the camera and the microphone are very often less objective than the pen or the keyboard. Worse, electronic journalists often hide behind the facade of technology and the sensory immersion of the audience, as a way to fake immediacy and intimacy.


Source: Jonah Goldberg, nationalreview.com