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None So Blind…

“There is none as blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who chose to ignore what they already know.”

According to what I could find during my two-minute Internet research session, the above saying is an old English proverb first attributed to Sir John Hayward in 1546. But the sentiments expressed could easily be applied to President Barak Obama and many other political leaders as well as media commentators when it comes to what some refer to as “radical Islam,” which is an extremely oppressive and violent version of one of the world’s largest religions. Enough Muslims subscribe to it that they are wreaking havoc around the world. What happened in Paris this week was the latest example with 12 people murdered. They worked at a newspaper that was known for taking satirical shots at religion and religious figures including making fun of Islam. Read_More_button

Source: Tim Wildmon,