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Obama Unilaterally Rewrites Law, Imposes Transgender Policy on Nation’s Schools

Barak Obama

The Obama administration explicitly rejects compromises such as single-occupancy facilities.

By Ryan T. Anderson

All across America, parents, teachers and local school districts have been having conversations about how best to accommodate the privacy and safety concerns of transgender students while also addressing the privacy and safety concerns of other students.

Solutions were found, such as the creation of new single-occupancy restrooms and changing facilities for transgender students while retaining girls’ and boys’ rooms for biological girls and boys.

But activists attacked these commonsense compromise policies as “transphobic.” And now the Obama administration has said that a 1972 law settles all of these issues: Students are to be treated the same based on their “gender identity,” regardless of their sex.

Obama’s departments of Justice and Education declared that “both federal agencies treat a student’s gender identity as the student’s sex for purposes of enforcing Title IX.”

Source: Obama Unilaterally Rewrites Law, Imposes Transgender Policy on Nation’s Schools