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Silicon Valley’s drug-fueled, secret sex parties — One more reason to hate the hookup culture 

woman fist pump rising sun
By Nancy R. Pearcey – – January 6, 2018

We typically picture the movers and shakers in Silicon Valley as brilliant if geeky walking intellects, hunched over their computers, inventing new gadgets.

But this week Vanity Fair published a book excerpt by Emily Chang revealing that Silicon Valley is as sexually debauched as Hollywood, the political world and the media. Many titans of the tech world – entrepreneurs, executives, investors, founders of companies – regularly host drug-fueled, sex-laced parties.

Women in the tech industry often feel compelled to attend to get ahead in their careers. But the reality is that joining the party often stalls their careers, as they are reduced to sex objects instead of respected as people. Progress? More like regress.

Chang’s book fuels the post-Harvey Weinstein wave of outrage. Yet merely exposing scandals may not “produce a revolution or a reckoning or a sea change in attitudes,” warns Jim Glassman, a journalist and former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, in another Vanity Fair piece.

For real reform, we have to dig deeper. A hedonistic ethic pervades all our public institutions. Universities hold sex weeks where porn stars are speakers and sex toy companies display their wares.

A hedonistic ethic pervades all our public institutions. Universities hold sex weeks where porn stars are speakers and sex toy companies display their wares.

Students attend workshops with titles like “How to Have a Successful Threesome” and a discussion of oral sex called “How Many Licks Does It Take?” The message is: Don’t be boring. Be like porn stars.

It should surprise no one that the hookup culture is metastasizing on campuses. The rules of the game are: no relationship, no emotional attachment, no commitment. You are supposed to be able to walk away from a hookup as if it never happened.

Before reaching campus, students are primed by high school sex education courses that typically focus on the physical: on the mechanics of sex and the avoidance of disease and pregnancy.

These courses reduce the meaning of sex to a how-to manual. Many students even say the programs make them feel pressured into having sex. In one study, teens reported that they felt more pressure from their sex education classes than from their girlfriends or boyfriends.

Other segments of adult culture are complicit in sexualizing children at ever-younger ages. Dolls for little girls have morphed into “tramps” wearing fishnet stockings and red-hot lingerie. Corporations produce slut-style fashions all the way down to infant clothing that says “I’m Too Sexy for My Diaper.” Advertisers use sex to sell, filmmakers use sex to entice viewers, musicians film raunchy videos.

Emily Chang reports that the tech titans of Silicon Valley are self-congratulatory about their sexual experimentation, priding themselves on being bold and unconventional. But in reality they are following a script that was given to them. They are falling for a sales pitch.

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Source: Silicon Valley’s drug-fueled, secret sex parties — One more reason to hate the hookup culture