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Stalled Abortion Bill

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GOP lawmakers who helped stall a controversial late-term abortion bill are getting hit with a stiff backlash — including warnings about primary challenges.

“I believe in political retribution, otherwise you might as well close up shop,” Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser told The Hill.

The GOP-backed legislation expected to be passed Thursday was suddenly pulled from consideration late Wednesday over concerns by some female Republican lawmakers about a provision mandating rape victims to report the crime before obtaining the procedure.

“I think that there probably will be [primary challenges],” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a religious political group in Washington, told The Hill.

“I think there will be some consequences for this.”

South Carolina Republican strategist Luke Byars told The Hill conservatives in his early-voting presidential state have long memories. Read_More_button

Source: Cathy Burke, newsmax.com