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Trump and allies plot path to victory

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Another sign that Donald Trump retains his lead among Republican presidential candidates in the wake of this month’s debate. A new CNN/ORC poll gives the New York businessman 24% support among GOP registered voters, followed by Jeb Bush at 13%. Ot Wochit.

For Donald Trump and his followers, the path to victory is fairly clear.

First, consolidate the leads he enjoys in Republican polls; then turn out enough supporters to win early state contests; then ride a wave of new and energized anti-establishment voters to the Republican Party presidential nomination and beyond. In interviews with activists, analysts and Trump supporters in early voting states, a complicated picture emerges of what it would take to transform the billionaire real estate developer from a front-running candidate to a plausible nominee.

Although not many people beyond Trump’s orbit see it playing out that way, what is clear is that Trump has significant appeal with core GOP voters — and significant hurdles that may prove difficult to overcome.

Not that his supporters are worried. “I think he will win in Iowa, he will win in New Hampshire, and he will win in South Carolina,” said Stephen B. Stepanek, a Trump state co-chairman and volunteer from Milford, N.H. “And that momentum is going to carry him.”


Source: David Jackson and Jennifer Jacobs, http://www.usatoday.com